About Us


Co-author Rex “the Teach” feels that his creativity, being an excellent daydreamer, observer of people, and his ability to use sarcasm in a humorous way has led him to writing. Rex uses “the Teach” as the pen name for his Fantasy Fulfillment series of books because he likes to teach.

Rex is an excellent observer of people in the pick-up game. He enjoys going to public places and watching people as they use all their skills in trying to get notice and pick-up that person of interest. He feels that going to a bar during “Happy Hour” was more entertaining than going to the zoo. Plus you do not have to pay admission. Just sit back, sip your beer, and watch the show unfold in front of you. Plus they are not even caged.

Rex feels that if there was an award for humor sarcasm, he would have an excellent chance of winning.

Rex feels that if there was an award for humor sarcasm, he would have an excellent chance of winning.



Co-author Ray “the Leach” earned his nickname “the Leach” in grade school when he attempted to quit smoking by vowing never to buy cigarettes again. Instead, whenever he would give into temptation, he would leach a smoke from others, many others.


Because of his constant womanizing, he was voted “Mr. Legs” in high school. Later in college, he was voted “Most likely to start a riot” because of his outrageous opinions.


Ray “the Leach” writes and lectures on a variety of subjects including male/female relationships, social and political issues, the 60’s free love hippie era and the art of fulfilling your fantasies.


During these lectures, he usually ends up talking about his inter-planetary alien friends. Ray  states that the bug eye, mouth open stare from his audience makes you happy to be alive.


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